Pampas grass pompas grass boho decor boho flowers dried pampas grass natural pampas grass in bulk

  1. We recommend keeping your Pampas Grass pieces out of direct sunlight. Environments with a lot of humidity or dried heat are not good for these pieces. We recommend keeping them in a place that is neither damp nor dry. Do not keep your pampas next to heat source such as a fireplace or candle. It is a dried item and could become flammable.
  2. We advise lightly hair drying our larger pampas grass decor  and some of our smaller dried grass after receiving them. The plumes will rise as a result of this. This approach will undoubtedly assist if they seem flat as a result of being in transit. Once you have put them in a vase and let the air to flow around them, they will also naturally puff up.
  3. The majority of our dried flowers have longer stems so you can chop them to fit the vase of your choice. We advise you to take your time when trimming the stems. Sharp scissors or garden shears are our preferred tools. We cut them into 1-inch pieces and add them to the vase one at a time until the vase is the right height.
  4. Should I hair spray my pampas grass? is a frequently asked question at AlobyC. Many tutorials that advocate doing this can be found online, however at AlobyC, we only hairspray our products when we observe gradual shedding. We only advise applying hair spray if it is absolutely necessary because it can make the plumes less soft.

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